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How To Hit Publish Without Writing A Single Word

**Do you have an exciting idea you’d like to launch but get hung up on how to word your offer? Does lack of time to do it all yourself stop you? 


If an idea lingers on the shelf you lose valuable momentum. Don’t let your next great project live in ‘someday’ land. 

Send the newsletter. Publish the sales page. Go live with your offer.

If it feels like too much, it’s because it is. 73% of businesses outsource their content marketing strategy and for good reason! 

Hiring a copywriter is your easy-button solution. I'll bring my marketing, public speaking, and entrepreneurship experience. Give yourself the gift of time and let your ideas launch.

Hi, I'm Kacey


For over a decade, I marketed a wildly iconic cafe in the coffee capital, Portland, OR. I wrote ads, web copy, social media, and print media. We went from $0 to $500k annually in under three years. 

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Your delivery gets dialed in when you’re in front of a live audience and that’s where I’ve spent a lot of time. I was a regular presenter at the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards. Get to the heart of the matter. Make impactful points. Ask fiery questions. These are skills that I get to bring to your copywriting project.

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What lights me up about copywriting for small businesses like yours are the measurable results. When it comes to getting a clear ROI on your investment, copywriting reigns supreme. You can measure open rates, CTR, subscribers, sales, etc right away to see a positive return.


Ultimately, this is what you can expect from me when we work together: 


  • Knowledgeable - I’m a geek about copywriting mechanics & human behavior. I delve into the psychology of what motivates people to take action.

  • Proven - My marketing efforts have brought in over $4,365,000+  in revenue so far. 

  • Timely - I’m a stickler about punctuality so you can know that your project will launch on your timeline. 

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